Very bullated leafs. Olive green color on the top and bottom. Although it is a plantlet, the leafs are about 3 cm long. The mother plants has more then 10 leafs and each leaf are bout 5 cm long. Imagine how beautiful it is.
ADA Amazonia II: 20%
ADA Malayan: 20%
Baked Clay: 20%
Coco Fibre: 20%
ADA Power Sand: 5%
Pelite: 5%
Temperature 27-28C
Humidity >90%.
4cm deep water.
Emerse grow
Looking at the shape ad color of the leaf plusthe heavy bullation, I suspect it is a bullosa. If it is a bullosa, I might not be able to confirm it as this strain is extremely disfficult to keep and flower.
Nice looking plant! I'd be curious to see what it turns out to be!
Wait til you see the mother plant. Breath taking. Will try to take photo the next time I go there.
any updated photo of this plant? I woul like to see the progress and sucess on the combination of substrate used.
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